Helping You Heal Better
MTF Counseling Resources was established in 2011 to provide mental services to children, adolescents, and adults. Our culture encourages curiosity and challenges assumptions as we push each other to improve the health of patients.
With innovative ways and a caring environment, we offer the best healthcare for patients.
Our Mission
It is the mission of MTF Counseling Resources to make a difference for our clients by being the most accessible provider of effective community-based behavioral health services delivered by professionals committed to the belief that clients should at all times be treated with genuine dignity and respect.
For our Community, by being responsive to the ever-changing behavioral needs within our community and investing our resources and expertise whenever and however to meet those needs.
For our Employees, by being the most sought after behavioral health employer in our community because of our demonstrated appreciation of our commitment to each of our employees.
And Thereby, being the most respected behavioral health agency with a reputation of providing unequal service of the highest quality to our clients, our employees, and our community.